Getting Started


Currently, only installing from GitHub via pip is supported.

$ pip install git+

Basic Usage

python-ovs-vsctl sends OVSDB requests via TCP or SSH connections to switches. Please make sure that the manager targets are configured on the switches before calling the APIs of python-ovs-vsctl as following.

$ sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6640


The port 6640 is the IANA registered port for OVSDB.

Then, let’s call the APIs for OVSDB.

>>> from ovs_vsctl import VSCtl
>>> vsctl = VSCtl('tcp', '', 6640)
<subprocess.Popen object at 0x7fd4e86688d0>

Also, you can print the outputs like ovs-vsctl command.

>>> popen ='show')
>>> print(
    Manager "ptcp:6640"
    Bridge "s1"
        Controller "ptcp:6634"
        Controller "tcp:"
        fail_mode: secure
        Port "s1-eth1"
            Interface "s1-eth1"
        Port "s1"
            Interface "s1"
                type: internal
        Port "s1-eth2"
            Interface "s1-eth2"
    ovs_version: "2.5.0"

But, this format is not convenient for Python programming… If we can get the outputs as json loaded object, it is more useful, isn’t it?

To parse the outputs, you can use the ovs-vsctl command parsers.

>>> from ovs_vsctl import list_cmd_parser
>>>'list port', parser=list_cmd_parser)
[Record(_uuid='91c8423c-f032-4e0f-a3e2-9e80bddcd5aa', bond_active_slave=[], bond_downdelay=0, bond_fake_iface=False, bond_mode=[], bond_updelay=0, external_ids={}, fake_bridge=False, interfaces='59a88084-fb01-4d0f-b413-0905336e5957', lacp=[], mac=[], name='s1-eth1', other_config={}, qos=[], rstp_statistics={}, rstp_status={}, statistics={}, status={}, tag=[], trunks=[], vlan_mode=[]), Record(_uuid='99f9d4a5-948d-4ed6-9b4c-4d64ada88e5a', bond_active_slave=[], bond_downdelay=0, bond_fake_iface=False, bond_mode=[], bond_updelay=0, external_ids={}, fake_bridge=False, interfaces='8df33dba-cb3b-4d72-891a-9591f2d1e115', lacp=[], mac=[], name='s1', other_config={}, qos=[], rstp_statistics={}, rstp_status={}, statistics={}, status={}, tag=[], trunks=[], vlan_mode=[]), Record(_uuid='ba7fee67-2e97-470a-9df5-446d72fa1645', bond_active_slave=[], bond_downdelay=0, bond_fake_iface=False, bond_mode=[], bond_updelay=0, external_ids={}, fake_bridge=False, interfaces='bab7f26e-be1e-431c-bd99-27fed50c94c5', lacp=[], mac=[], name='s1-eth2', other_config={}, qos=[], rstp_statistics={}, rstp_status={}, statistics={}, status={}, tag=[], trunks=[], vlan_mode=[])]

list_cmd_parser parses the outputs into the list of Record object which contain the information of record of OVSDB table.

For more details of the APIs of python-ovs-vsctl, please refer to the API Reference of this documentation.